44 2033180199

मामले की रिपोर्ट

Hairy tongue, geographic tongue, scrotal tongue and systemic connections: clinical images and an overview

  • Cinzia Casu, Maria Giulia Nosotti, Antonia Sinesi, Giovanna Mosaico

मामले की रिपोर्ट

Temperature variations and the histological impact of diode laser irradiation on oral soft tissue at two different application modes

  • Akhil K Padmanabhan, Rashmi Paramashiviah, Prabhuji MLV

मामले की रिपोर्ट

Oral mucosa pigmented lesions: an overview of the recent literature and 3 case reports

  • Maria Giulia Nosotti, Luca Vigano, Cinzia Casu
संघों, समाजों और विश्वविद्यालयों के लिए सहकर्मी समीक्षा प्रकाशन pulsus-health-tech