44 2033180199

शोध आलेख

Xiphoid Size and Gender Differences: An Anatomical Study

  • Alexander Manché, Carmel Grima, Liberato Camilleri

मामले की रिपोर्ट

Dolichosigmoid with Additional Sigmoidal Branches and Displaced Descending Colon

  • Naveen Babu Kandavalli, Leon Wu, Francis Danquah, Bedia Castellanos

मामले की रिपोर्ट

Congenital Malformation of the Aortic Arch and its Branches With no Documented Clinical Symptoms: A Post-Mortem Case Study

  • Balazs Daniel Fulop, Andrea Tamas, Dora Reglodi, Eszter Fabian

शोध आलेख

Morphological Variations in Gall Bladders of Cadavers

  • Priyanka Parmar, Monika Rathee, Suresh Kanta Rathee, Aarti Rohilla, Kamal Singh
संघों, समाजों और विश्वविद्यालयों के लिए सहकर्मी समीक्षा प्रकाशन pulsus-health-tech