44 2033180199

Variant anatomy of fenestrated internal jugular vein with unusual retromandibular and facial veins

Devi SANKAR K, Sharmila BHANU P

Variations in the formation and draining patterns of the veins are common and have been frequently seen in the head and neck. A fenestration of internal jugular vein which is a rare incidence was observed in the left side neck of a cadaver during routine dissection in the Anatomy Department of Narayana Medical College. In the same side, undivided retromandibular vein and absence of common facial vein was also observed. Anatomical knowledge of such variations as found in this case is important for surgeons performing microvascular surgeries in head and neck, and also to the radiologists during their conventional radiological procedures like angioplasty, catheterization, and at times of hemodialysis in case of renal failure patients.

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