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The effect of COVID-19 on dental care in Kuwait: A retrospective analysis from the biggest hospital in the country

Denial Smith*

The COVID-19 epidemic has altered dentistry procedures all over the world. This investigation aimed to determine how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the trends in comparisons with data from a big Kuwaiti hospital's dental treatment attendance the pandemic's year before. 176,690 appointment records from 34,250 patients made up the total presenting to Kuwait's AlJahra specialty hospital for dental care between April 2019 and April 2021 was examined. The different sorts of processes and the departments that submitted them were examined, and attendance trends from before and after the epidemic were contrasted. Orthodontic, endodontic, and periodontal operations had a large drop in volume, however oral surgery, restorative dentistry, and paediatric dentistry remained unaffected. The number of patients receiving dental care has increased again, although there has been a noticeable change in the way that some dental procedures are used.

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