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Job Satisfaction and Related Elements among Employees at Negelle Arsi General Hospital and Medical College, West Arsi Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Ashebir Nigussie Yirgu and Amanuel Oljira Raga

Job satisfaction refers to the attitude and emotional state people have about their work. Positive and satisfactory attitudes towards the job indicate job satisfaction. Negative and unsatisfactory attitudes to the job indicate job dissatisfaction. Unsatisfied work force has negative influence on concert of services. Satisfaction of employees can bring quality of health care. Job satisfaction is an important indicator in assessing the performance and efficiency of health services among health workers Satisfied employees are likely to be more creative and devoted to their job. Dissatisfied employees give poor quality and less effective care. Higher level of professional gratification among health workers grosses high worker force retention and patients’ satisfaction. Recognition is one of the most important methods of rewarding people. Recognition of staff can be one of the easiest and most cost-effective strategies to hold experienced health professionals.

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